Whilst on a search, our very own search dog, Ted, was unfortunately injured. After giving cleaning the wound and giving him some antiseptic spray, Ted seemed to be doing just fine!
However, while monitoring him, his dad Ian noticed a decline in his condition, swelling around the wounds and lameness. He immediately took him to the vets (Northampton Vets4Pets)
We have started an appeal for Ted to help cover costs. Any extra money that we receive from donations will be put in to a pot to help cover future insurance costs for all our dogs.
No matter what, he will be cared for and loved.Ted is loved by all the team, and every missing person he helps to find for Northamptonshire Police.
At the end of the appeal, over 70 people had donated to Ted, generating a massive £944 for his vet bill. Of course this was more than enough to cover the excess so any remaining money has been put into a pot for any future vet bills relating to a search.
***Just to clarify, Ted is insured by his owner and not the team. The excess is £100 plus 20% of the final vet's bill. We have been blown away by the speed of the donations coming in! Initially we hoped that we would be able to contribute to some of Ian's excess but we will now consider using this money to pay the bulk of the bill without him having to claim on his insurance.***